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All programs, including Senior Center, Fitness Classes, Tennis Clubs and gymnastics at Rolling Meadows Park District, are cancelled for the remainder of the day on Wednesday, February 12. Programs are expected to resume as scheduled on Thursday, February 13. Tennis Clubs will close at 4PM and Community Centers will close at 5PM. The Arlington Ridge Center will remain open for lap swim and fitness members. Any further updates will be posted on our website and social media channels.

Registration FAQs

Register Now

How do I create my “Active” online Customer Account?

Families wishing to create a new household account to register online, will first need to setup a profile by visiting one of our facilities during normal hours of operation.

Families must bring proof of residency for all family members.

Stop by any one of these facilities to set up a new account:

  • Administration Center
  • Arlington Ridge Center
  • Camelot Community Center
  • Pioneer Community Center

The following forms of identification will be accepted to prove residency:

Adults can bring a driver’s license or state ID with current address. If you don’t have a license or ID, please bring two of the following: utility bill (no older than 60 days) with name & mailing address listed, voter registration card or a vehicle registration card.

Children will need to show a current report card, school picture ID, birth certificate, parent insurance card listing dependents, or other form of ID a parent may have that proves the children reside at that address.

Thank you for understanding. We hope to see you playing every day this fall!

Please call 847.577.3000 with any questions.

How many accounts should each family have?

We recommend that each family establish a primary account with login credentials. The account will be created in the name of a head of household and then all family member names will be added underneath the head of household after it has been established.

How do I add family members to my account?

Family members must be added to your account in-person. Proof of residency for each family members added to your account will be required.

What should I do if I forget my password?

When you are prompted to sign in, check the Forgot your Password box and click Continue. You will be requested to provide the email address you used to create your account. After providing your email address, you will be requested to verify your identity by providing your first and last name as well as your date of birth. Upon submission, an email will be sent to you containing a temporary password. Upon signing in, you will be prompted to change your password.

If after completing this procedure you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact our office during regular business hours and a member of our staff will assist you.

*Please DO NOT create another Customer Account.

Can I view Activities without registering?

Yes, you can always browse through the Activities without registering. Click View Activities button and look at all the Activities that are offered.

How do I register for an Activity online?

Once your account has been established, registration for Activities is easy:

  1. Click the View Activities button on the registration home page.
  2. Select the Activity that you would like to enroll into. Clicking the underlined name will show you a detailed Activity description.
  3. Click the Add to My Cart button if you wish to register for the Activity.
  4. Next, sign in to your online registration account by entering your Login Name information and Password. Proceed to checkout by clicking the Continue button. From this screen you may remove Activities from your cart or view more Activities and add them to your cart. *Please Note: If more than one family member will be attending the Activity, click on the button labeled, Add Another One (located under the Shopping Cart screen).
  5. Confirm your Activity name, date and time, enrollee and price.
  6. Click Continue to proceed with payment. You will be prompted that you are entering a secure site. Enter your credit card information on the Payment Information Page and agree to any required waiver(s). Click Continue. This system accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. *Please Note: The name and address must match those that are on file with your credit company. If the address shown is not your credit card billing address, click on the My Account button and change your residential address to match your credit card billing address.
  7. Once your payment has been approved, your receipt will display. Please print a copy of your receipt for your records.

How can I pay for the registration using a credit card that is not in my name (i.e. Husband’s/Wife’s/Parent’s/Grandparent’s)?

You may complete the registration and pay the registration fees with a card that is not in you name using the following guidelines:

  • You must have permission from the card holder to use the credit card for payment.
  • The person who is the holder of the credit card must have a profile in your family. To see how to add additional profiles to your family see question 3 above about adding family members to your account.
  • Please be sure that the proper address and information is added for the card holder/family member, so that it matches the billing information associated with the credit card.
  • Once the family member has a profile you may use the credit card to pay the registration fee.

What will happen if I try to register for an Activity that is full?

Your name will be placed on a waiting list. You will be contacted in the event that a space opens for that Activity or additional Activities are added. If we are unable to contact you, your space will be given to the next customer on the waiting list.

If you do not want to be placed on the waiting list, click the “Remove” button that appears on the Shopping Cart screen.

*Please Note: Placement on a waiting list does not guarantee a spot in the Activity. It is recommended for guaranteed participation, please choose another Activity with registration space.

How can I view a schedule of my family’s upcoming scheduled Activities?

The My Account feature allows you to view a weekly schedule of your family’s upcoming Activities.

Sign into your account and click on the My Account link. Then click on the Show Your Daily Schedule link. Highlight the family members whose schedules you would like to view and click on the top arrow button and move each family member over to the Selected Family Members column. Click on Search to proceed. A weekly schedule will display all of the activities your family members have been enrolled in and allow you to click on the activity for more information.

What is the “Wish List” option?

The Wish List allows you to make a list of activities that you would like to register for in the future. The Wish List option is only available when the class has not yet opened for online registration. The Wish List DOES NOT hold a spot for you in the class or give you priority registration for the activity when it becomes open for registration. You will need to log in at a later date when the class opens for registration to enroll in the class.

What if I have special needs or require assistance?

Park District staff and program instructors are not capable of providing bathroom assistance to those individuals who cannot care for themselves. It is the participant’s responsibility to make his/her own arrangements prior to registering for any programs or activities, if they require this type of assistance. Please contact park staff for further information or clarification.

Are there scholarships or other assistance I can apply for?

The Arlington Heights Park District recognizes the need to provide leisure activities for the entire community. To do that, the Park District has set up a Scholarship Program. There are two programs: Financial Need and Military.

The Financial Need program is intended to offset the cost of specific programs for families/individuals who may be experiencing a temporary financial crisis. Applications are reviewed by the Village of Arlington Heights Health Services Department. A discount for specific programs and a pool pass may be offered to residents who qualify. Contact VAH Health Services at 847.368.5792 for the application.

There is also a Military Scholarship. The Military Scholarship is intended to assist Arlington Heights families who have a head of household member called to active duty and deployed for an extended period of time. The Arlington Heights Park District recognizes the financial burden a family may experience when a head of household is deployed, away from their regular job, and the household income is changed or reduced. To offset this burden, the Park District is offering a discount to the family members remaining in Arlington Heights for activities taught by Park District staff including CAP, youth and adult classes, and a pool pass. Documentation/Military orders must be presented to be eligible for consideration. Specific details are available at the time you apply. Contact the Park District at 847.577.3009.

For more information regarding the Scholarship Programs, call 847.577.3009. All requests will remain confidential.

How can I change my address or phone number on my account?

It is very important that our records are updated so communication and any refunds you may apply for are up to date. If you have moved or changed any of your contact information (phone number or email), please call 847-577-3000 during business hours to have our guest service staff update your account. You can also stop into any of the community centers. Patrons do not have the ability to update their contact information directly in their online profile.

Why don’t I receive a Park District program guide?

Not all Arlington Heights Residents are in the Park District. The program guide is delivered to Park District residents. There are several areas in the Village that are not within Park District boundaries. Some of these areas are:

  • Arbor Lakes Apartments
  • Any street west of Wilke Road
  • Briarwood Lake
  • Carriageway Drive
  • Central Park East Apartments
  • Courts of Russetwood
  • Dale Avenue between Gregory and Kensington
  • Dana Point Condominiums
  • Daniels Court
  • Donald Avenue between Grove and Kensington
  • Evanston Avenue between Gregory and Kensington
  • Happfield Drive
  • Rammer Avenue between Grove and Kensington
  • Regent Park

If you live in these areas, please use the non-resident information when registering for classes. For additional information on which Park District you belong to, please consult your tax bill.

When and where can I register?

Registration begins at 10AM on the first day of registration.

Administration Center
Monday-Friday | 9AM-2PM

Arlington Ridge Center
Monday-Thursday | 5:30AM-9PM
Friday | 5:30AM-8PM
Saturday | 5:30AM-7PM & Sunday | 6:30AM-7PM

Camelot Community Center
Monday-Friday | 9AM-5PM
Saturday | 9AM-Noon

Pioneer Community Center
Monday-Friday | 9AM-5PM
Saturday | 9AM-Noon

Where can I find a facility phone or address?

Find it in our Park & Facilities Locator.

Arlington Heights Park District

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